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Defining Your Beauty

Beauty is not something you put on. Often times, beauty is defined by a makeup ad or skin care regimen or even giving birth or getting married. Beauty is most commonly referred to by what we can physically see. Even so, I want us to redefine Beauty. Go with me for a moment & tell me what you think...

Beauty is pure confidence. It’s Assurance in who you are, who you belong to and why you were put in the earth. I love the term Godfidence. It is Absolute faith, reliance & dependency on God. Beauty is the essence of Gods Glory being reflected in and through you & BEYOND you to everything connected to you. When you are confident and Godfident, there is a certain authority that you carry. You have a certain walk, talk and demeanor. Your head is always held high. You are not afraid to lead neither are you afraid or intimidated by having to follow. You believe in your gifts, talents and callings and you know that even when you run out, God always steps in and gives you Grace to complete, conquer & overcome everything that arises on your path.

Beauty is Emotional Intelligence. It’s the ability to know how you are truly feeling, how stressed you are, and being aware of your emotions and mental state. It’s also being able to articulate those things without dismantling or criticizing another. I want to point out that there is Beauty in NOT being “ok”. It’s ok and even “normal” to not always be “good”. Being able to acknowledge when you aren’t feeling your best is beauty because it allows you to create a space for support, rest, self care, and a moment to breathe... a space to reset yourself and keep going. Remember: It’s in our weakness that Gods strength is made perfect!

Beauty is Vulnerability. Transparency. Femininity or Masculinity. The essence of who you truly are at your heart, soul and spirit realms are all beauty filled. It takes intimacy with the Father, and yourself to know who you are authentically.

Beauty is Fluidity. The ability to flow with God, to be adaptable to different people, situations and environments without losing yourself.

Beauty is Having standards. Being “in tune” with how you truly feel allows you to set the tone for how others around you handle you. It’s being able to say “no” and standing on it. When you know what you desire, what you deserve and not settling for anything less.

Beauty is Forever Learning. Not knowing everything is not a bad thing.. Learn continuously and remain teachable.

Beauty is not always being in control. It’s Actually Relinquishing control so that the Divine in you can have full reign to bring you into the fullness of who you are, fullness of joy, fullness of peace and the fullness of the life you were created for and destined to live.

Beauty is the ability to understand yourself and those around you. It is the ability to be naked without fear. It is the ability to create peace, give grace and live a life of awareness. Aware of yourself , aware of your feelings, your thoughts, your emotions and aware of others.

Beauty is Power. The power to trust. The power to believe. The power to forgive. The power to Be & Become! Beauty is in the failures, mishaps, misfortunes and “bad” experiences.

Beauty is LIFE & Living it in its Entirety!

You are BEAUTIFUL. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. You were created and designed with pure intention and divine purpose. You are a Divine Being and even the things you deem as flaws, God deems them as perfection!!

This is just a glimpse of the depth of True Beauty. Define YOUR BEAUTY in the comments below!!

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